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Thread #102658   Message #2083223
Posted By: GUEST,Gza
21-Jun-07 - 01:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Michael Moore - 9/11 could be inside job
Subject: RE: BS: Michael Moore - 9/11 could be inside job
Yeah, Becca...both of which probably involved coverups at a very high level...

The conventional mind simply doesn't want to know. It would always rather just believe whatever lies Big Brother tells it by way of the mainstream media, and go have another cheeseburger at the mall or rent another video and plunk down in front of the tube.

"Please don't bother me. I want to remain comfortably aneasthetized in my little tiny world of consumption here. It's far less painful than asking questions which might result in disturbing answers being found. And anyway, I'm helpless to do anything about it. Please just don't bother me. Please just stop talking about that and go away. You can't possibly be right. If you were, I'd have no sense of security left, and that is a thought I simply cannot bear."

p.s. - It is so fucking obvious that other shots were fired at Kennedy...from in front of the motorcade...rather than just shots from the book depository to the rear...and that one of those shots from in front blew out the back of Kennedy's head as it exited...there were so many eyewitnesses who said so....JEEZUS!!!

All you have to do is read into it some. But no, you'd rather just believe the Warren Commission's laundered version of what happened. Well, la-de-da...your choice appears to be that igorance is bliss. I guess you must be really quite happy.