The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102757   Message #2085076
Posted By: katlaughing
23-Jun-07 - 04:46 PM
Thread Name: First Annual Mudcat Living Treasure Award
Subject: RE: First Annual Mudcat Living Treasure Award
Well, thanks folks.

I have been here almost ten years and I don't think I'd ever run outta folks to nominate.

Jerry is a good one, too, but I am going to keep it to the initial ones I mentioned for this first year. I was thinking of where folks are along in years of living, too.:-) (No offense, Art, Jean, Sandy & Caroline!) got yer tongue?*bg*

Thanks, again, folks. Next year's nominations will not be open until next Spring. I am working on a certificate. When I get it done and maile doff to them, I will put up a picture of it.