The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102760   Message #2085106
Posted By: artbrooks
23-Jun-07 - 05:21 PM
Thread Name: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
Countries don't hate countries; people hate people and governments, for whatever reason seems best to them.

There are two very different countries on the Korean Peninsula; many of the people in North Korea hate Americans, although very few have ever met one, because that is the way their government has taught them to think over the past 55 years. On the other hand, few of those in South Korea (and I have personally met many) hate Americans, because they have had close contacts with Americans over the past 55 years and their nation is a close trading partner of ours. Some don't care much for the current government of the US, but that is equally true of many citizens of the US.

Much the same is true of Iraqis; individuals don't necessarily hate individuals but, as a group, they hate what the US has done, and is doing, in their country. They notice the reconstruction, of course, but realize that it is largely a result of the destruction of the past few years - and the fact that much of it was not done by the American (or allied) military in the first place, but rather by people fighting the Americans, is largely irrelevant to them. Jihadies are a different case, of course, but they tend to hate all "Crusaders", Americans only slightly more than others.