The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102790   Message #2086023
Posted By: 282RA
24-Jun-07 - 09:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush administration hardball
Subject: BS: Bush administration hardball
I was watching 60 Minutes earlier and they did a piece on Joseph Darby, the guy who blew the whistle on the abuses at Abu Ghraib. I wasn't sure how his name became public. I had always thought he just stepped forward and that was that.

Not that way at all. He was still stationed at the prison and was told he would remain anonymous so he wouldn't get killed when who other than Donald Rumsfeld outted Darby on national television--international television actually. Sitting before Congress, Rumsfeld thanked Darby by name for courageously coming forward about the abuses.

Darby said he was eating in the mess where there was a TV playing and there he heard Rumsfeld say his name in front of the whole world. Now, how could Rumsfeld NOT know that Darby was still stationed at Abu Ghraib and required anonymity????

Rumsfeld deliberately outted the guy!!! He was letting everybody that worked at Abu Ghraib who the snitch was. Darby said that for the next month, he slept with a cocked pistol under his pillow with his hand around the grip. He was afraid he might get his throat slit in the middle of the night.

Once again the Bush administration outted someone to get back at them. We already know about Valerie Plame.

As a result of being outted, Darby could not return to his hometown Bloodthirstyredneckmoron, North Carolina. Okay, that's not the name of his town but it might as well be. Darby would likely be killed if he returned home. Virtually everybody there regards him as traitor although if he was, the Army would have tried him rather than the assholes he turned in. But North Carolinians are no more known for their intellect than they are their tolerance and compassion for others.

Yet, nobody seemed to have much to say about what Rumsfeld did. He tried to get Darby killed by outting him. That sonofabitch belongs in prison.