The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102760   Message #2087884
Posted By: Teribus
26-Jun-07 - 09:01 PM
Thread Name: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
Good heavens Little Hawk you do spout some complete and utter bollocks at times!! Your latest contributions in this thread defy description.

Now let's take a look at few examples:

"Hatred arises out of fear. Clearly, those countries as well as many others are afraid of America. Ask yourself why."

Yes Little Hawk I'll ask myself why. In actual fact most countries do not fear America. In actual fact most countries rely on America for their defence and well being. When you are talking about countries are you talking about the population of those countries or the governments of those countries?

"Without any fear, you do not have hatred. You may have other negative emotions, such as contempt, etc, but you will not have hatred unless it has arisen out of a significant level of fear."

You do not mention jealousy? You do not mention that the "evil" influences eminating from America actually liberate the individual according to some doctrines and that, of course must never be allowed to happen - why? - because the unelected mullahs and immams then lose control. Imagine a world in which the renaissance or reformation never happened? Imagine the fear and ignorance we would have been condemned to live in!

"There are conflicting interests causing fear between America and much of the rest of the world. Those interests are primarily matters of economic competition and competition for scarce resources and markets."

Here Little Hawk you are viewing things from one perspective and one that defies history, particularly history that promotes the betterment of mankind. The conflicting interests at present are between those who promote democracy/free will/self-enlightenment against constrained religious freedom and strict adherence to Sharia Law. Now I don't know about you Little Hawk but I certainly know under which regime I would rather live. Maybe you would argue that that desire must not be "imposed" on others - Only thing is that if you take a good look at where illegal immigrants are heading for it is not towards the middle-east or to countries advocating the universal benefits of Sharia Law - does that tell you anything at all Little Hawk?

"That's why I consider mutual cooperation to be a better idea than competition. I always did."

Lovely concept, let's see what it looks like in practice. Please point out to me which stance is incorrect:

Hamas/Hezbollah avowed aim clearly stated in their charters is the destruction of Israel, the erradication of the Jewish people and wiping the stain of the Jewish State from Arab lands.

Recognise our right of peaceful co-existence and there will be peace.

OK Little Hawk, which of those parties appear willing and totally committed to following your advice - Hamas/Hezbollah or Israel?

"Example: I found that I enjoyed playing table tennis a lot more if me and the other person didn't keep score...but just played for the fun of it. It was way more fun. It also led to more interesting play, because one wasn't worried about losing a point by trying a specially risky shot. It was better in every way. I discovered that I would much rather play for the sheer joy of playing than for the brief and pointless joy of "winning" (at the cost of making somebody else "lose"). I like winning, but I don't like to make someone else lose, so it's a conflicted situation."

Please tell me, under those circumstances what is the point of even playing?

What is the point of even having rules for the game?

You could enjoy yourself by just hitting the ball up against a wall. But there again maybe that is what you want, something that is completely anti-social - are you really that much of a misfit? Basic fact of life, in every sphere and in every facet of human endeavour there are winners and losers, the more you lose the more you learn, the more you must aspire to, without that concept human endeavour is nothing, it's what keeps us moving forward, and we have contiued to move forward (but not in Gaza or in the West Bank), no matter what you attempt to teach your children - by the bye I take it that Little Hawk has no children, I, on the other hand have four, all well educated all through university, all well settled and happy