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Thread #102792   Message #2087947
Posted By: GUEST,bemused
27-Jun-07 - 12:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Gordon Brown - Bend over, Britain
Subject: RE: BS: Gordon Brown - Bend over, Britain
Geez. Let me add the comma..."And yes I've posted under that name, Wolfgang." The queen's a tosser, stigweard? You've violated no law that I can see because I don't know what the hell a tosser is.

Let's see...civil war. Well, the U.S. has been taken over by gangsters. The federal government is literally mafia-run. We have a constitution and an 1805 Supreme Court ruling that says "any law repugnant to the constitution is void," so a crunch is coming. All these recent fascist laws are repugnant to the constitution.

I know we Americans are self-centered, but the world does need to heed the importance of our Bill of Rights. It allows us to keep our freedom through force of arms, if necessary. And our big federal government feels threatened by that, so an effort is under way to destroy the Bill of Rights. No one here WANTS to fight a civil war, but the animals in power killed 3000 on September 11, 2001, and they're currently clusterbombing babies in Iraq. That's not acceptable.

Eventually the federal govt will force a shooting skirmish, and then the federal war machine will be unleashed on Americans. Personally, I hope it starts here in Texas. America may have fought a war for independence, but Texas is the only state that fought a separate war for independence. That's why so much federal focus is put on Texas. The spirit of independence is pretty strong here. None of us WANT to kill feds, but we're all ready to, if the need arises. And we know that the first group to be targeted by the feds will be annihillated, but that's fine. The Alamo was a diversionary battle, so a larger force could be assembled elsewhere, and that's what we expect here, now. We'll be crushed after a hell of a fight, but the rest of the country will have time to organize and hopefully deal with the feds swiftly and decisively.

Seriously, folks, crush them like bugs. They plan to do the same to you. Just like Blair and Brown plan to crush whoever gets in the way of their plan to destroy Britain. Hitler was a gibbering fool compared to the monsters in power now.

Have a nice day :-)