The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3959   Message #20888
Posted By: Bruce O.
07-Feb-98 - 12:27 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Bunch of Thyme
Subject: RE: LYR ADD: Bunch of thyme
There is a song said to be from a Mrs. Habersham and from the late 17th century called "Seeds of Love", which is a version of "The Garden of Thyme". There seems to be no extant version of a "Garden of Thyme" song on a broadside ballad of the 17th century, however, there is an answer to it, "The Young Man's Answer to the Maid's Garden of Thyme". This you can find in the internet braodside index. I suspect that the unknown original "The Maid's Garden of Thyme" was an early version of the Child balld "The Gardener Lad".