The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77953   Message #2089037
Posted By: KB in Iowa
28-Jun-07 - 09:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: How soon next American Civil War ?
Subject: RE: BS: How soon next American Civil War ?
Lincoln made it clear that his main goal was to preserve the Union. To quote kendall above "Lincoln said that if he could preserve the union by freeing the slaves he would do it. He also said if he could save the union by NOT freeing the slaves at all, he would do it."

Lincoln believed that slavery was wrong. He also believed that the federal government did not have legal authority to end slavery where it already existed. When the time came that he thought it would help win the war and thus preserve the union he issued a proclamation to free the slaves in those parts of the country still in rebellion. Like you said, it didn't free any slaves anyplace where the federal govt was in a position to enforce it. It was a bold gamble, some thought that half the union army would lay down their arms and go home.

I do not worship at the alter of Lincoln but I do have great respect for what he accomplished. He was president during the worst crisis this country has seen and got us through it. He bungled a great many things but prevailed in the end. I also think the crisis was unavoidable though I respect the opinion of those who feel otherwise.

I don't see how playing up the slavery issue sanitizes anything. In my mind it makes it an even darker (apologies to Azizi) episode than if slavery were not involved at all.