The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102754   Message #2089306
Posted By: Midchuck
28-Jun-07 - 02:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Personal Quiz
Subject: RE: BS: Personal Quiz
4 Jobs I have had in my life: Bookstore sales clerk and general helper; Tobacco farm laborer; "ski bum" (general cleanup help, etc. in ski lodge; lawyer (for last 40 of 65 years). I've made a little money singing and picking, but I've never wanted to consider it a "job."
4 Movies I've watched many times: The Outlaw Josey Wales; Young Frankenstein; Blazing Saddles; The Great Race.

4 Places I've Lived: Berkeley, California; Cambridge, MA; Rutland, VT; Pittsford, VT (for last 38 years).

4 Favorite Books: Only 4?! Impossible! Dies the Fire (and sequels) (S. M. Stirling), Atlas Shrugged (Ayn Rand) (I now longer worship at her alter, I now think she was at least partly nuts - but I did in my formative years), Almost Anything Poul Anderson Ever Wrote,...that's the best I can do on short notice.

4 Favorite Vacation Spots: Bozeman, MT (in part, but not entirely, because both my kids are there; Adirondack High Peaks; North of England and South of Scotland (based on 1 week's trip); Pittsford, Vermont.

4 Things that tick me off: Criminal laws against behavior that doesn't really harm anyone, but that someone thinks is "sinful." Government officials who think their function is to control and dominate people rather than to serve them. People who oppose gun ownership, even by properly trained, responsible citizens, without really knowing diddlysquat about guns. People in a song circle who sing and play loudly, without staying on pitch or tempo, especially tempo.

4 Things I'd rather be doing right now: Hiking in the woods. Picking and singing with selected friends, preferably with good beer on hand. Cross-country skiing in good conditions. I won't say the fourth, but use your imagination - I'm old, but not dead.
