The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102890   Message #2089418
Posted By: Alio
28-Jun-07 - 04:25 PM
Thread Name: 10th Saddleworth Festival, 2007
Subject: 10th Saddleworth
Anyone coming to Saddleworth this year? It's my last one, so I made sure that there were going to be loads and loads of singers! Waterson Carthy, Wilsons, Strawhead, Dave Webber and Anni Fentiman, Bill Whaley and Dave Fletcher, Jez Lowe, Muldoon's Picnic, Scolds Bridle, Hissyfit, Bryony - to mention just a few!!!

And we'll have a Festival CD on sale to celebrate - with local artists on, besides the big names (the ones I've already mentioned plus Eric Bogle, Show of Hands, John Tams, John Wright, Roy Bailey, Kerfuffle and Clive Gregson). It's a double CD for just £10, so not too bad I think?

Please come along and help me celebrate my last year - I'll be the one crying into my Jamieson's!!!
