The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102930   Message #2090562
Posted By: Rapparee
29-Jun-07 - 09:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: My Colon:Enter at your own risk
Subject: RE: BS: My Colon:Enter at your own risk
Yeah, well, I'm due for another one this year....

First time I had one they were trying to find the cause of anemia. So they first did and endoscopy (top down, so to speak) and then a colonoscopy. I wanted them to do both at once, just so they could meet in the middle. I could mentally hear it: "Doctor, I see a light!"

Actually, the very first thing they did was a barium milkshake to see if I had an ulcer (I didn't). They videotaped it and I asked for a copy, but they didn't give it to me. I was going to market it under the title "GUTS!!"

Polyps can be pre-cancerous -- I've had some removed in the past. Be glad they're gone. (If you're of a conspiracy/paranoid turn of mind, be aware that they are using the genetic material found in your polyps and those of others to create a genetically engineered race of super-assholes.)