The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102907   Message #2090757
Posted By: George Papavgeris
30-Jun-07 - 06:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Tea Bags or Loose Tea?
Subject: RE: BS: Tea Bags or Loose Tea?
Each to his own gout, as they neighbours say (that was about the taste of the Lapsang, Walrus).

I am surprised that the divisive element in tea drinking has not been introduced yet. You know, the one that separates the UK from the rest of the world: milk in tea.

When I first arrived at these shores, I scoffed as much as any Euro-sceptic at the British insistence of clouding their tea with cowjuice. SLowly, over time, I have come to appreciate it however. And the few times in the year when I would drink tea in preference to coffee, are invariable hot days when a cup of milky tea is much more thirst-quenching than a pint of anything cold.

There - I confessed my sin.