The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102239   Message #2090919
Posted By: Catherine Jayne
30-Jun-07 - 11:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: So. How's everybody these days?
Subject: RE: BS: So. How's everybody these days?
Well, I'm having to put up with vicious rumours that have NO truth in them whatsoever from someone who should really know better and people that can't help but stick their noses in business that does not concern them in anyway shape or form....but such is life.

Other than that things are pretty good. My son is growing well and we saw his first smile the other week, and no it wasn't wind, although he gets plenty of that!

I've lost over a stone in weight and it's still dropping off, I feel fantastic! I've been enjoying walking and have recently managed 10 miles which is a wonderful achievement, mind you Harry is good company on the walks and gurgles away merrily in his pram!

We had some good news as far as my partner's father is concerned this week.

My brother is getting set to go into the marines in a few weeks time and after speaking with him I know it is something he really wants to do and I am supporting his decision 100%, but I'll continue to send energy to keep him safe when he is posted.