The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101817   Message #2091553
Posted By: George Papavgeris
01-Jul-07 - 09:57 AM
Thread Name: 42 days to no smoking (UK)
Subject: RE: 42 days to no smoking (UK)
Fair point there, Dave.
It's also true that nowadays you cannot depend on simple politeness for decent behaviours (like not lighting up where there were non-smokers around), as you could not so long ago, certainly within living memory. I don't know how selfishness and crassness crept in, but it has, and it seems that one has to legislate now against many things that would have been impolite, even unthinkable, before. I am vociferous against PC madness, but I can also see the need for some of it (I know the new smoking legislation has nothing to do with PC, I amk simply extrapolating to behaviours generally).