The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102961   Message #2091685
Posted By: JohnInKansas
01-Jul-07 - 01:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: That's a lot of water!
Subject: RE: BS: That's a lot of water!
Almost a lifetime ago, I ran tests to confirm that a few US military vehicles would function in the "maximum expected rainfall rate" for use of the vehicles in "expected worldwide environments."

The "spec" value was 3 inches per hour. It was remarkably difficult to obtain even that rate in a small "test rack" just big enough to get my 8x8 truck wet. (Some "tropical use" tests required 7 inches per hour.)

I haven't heard of places where flooding is being reported now, where the rate has been quite that high, but at least one station in Texas reported 18 inches in 24 hours a day or two ago, and several have reported 18 - 20 inches in 48 consecutive hours, with rain over wide areas including those places almost continuous for several weeks.

I've seen numerous times in my current area when we got as low as 30 inches in a year, although "annual averages" are reported as 48 to 60 inches, depending on which station you get the data from. Some reports say we passed 30 inches here for a cumulative for one month last month.

It's been dampish.
