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Thread #102929   Message #2091983
Posted By: Gulliver
01-Jul-07 - 09:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Car bombs defused in london
Subject: RE: BS: Car bombs defused in london
I once again have to take issue with Peace saying that "Islam has become corrupt and basically evil". That attitude will not help alleviate this issue--understanding will, IMHO. Understand, don't judge.

It's not the religion that's to blame. Just take a look at the sources of this "terrorist" problem, and why those countries, which just happen to be Islamic, bear grudges against the West:

Afghanistan has been attacked for hundreds of years by outside forces. The British fought three (unsuccessful) wars against them, killing tens of thousands. Later the Russians did the same and now NATO is still killing the Afghans. Why should they have any respect for the outsiders that have already caused so much trouble?   

The Palestinians have been thrown out of their homes, impoverished and shifted from Billy to Jack since 1947. What have they got to lose? They're so embittered by already having lost practically everything that they'll use terror 1)for revenge or 2) because they think it will help them get some political leverage. And to add salt into their wounds the West reject their democratically elected largest party.

Iran was used by West since WW2. The British and CIA organised the 1953 coup which put the Shah into power in order to protect their oil interests. He then formed a police state which relied on US military resources and know-how. That regime was so detested that after the 1979 revolution things swung in the extreme opposite direction. Then they get attacked by Saddam, who was encouraged and armed by the West.

We all know what has and is happening in Irak as a result of the US/British invasion.

I've been to all these countries (except Irak) and seen the bitterness and cynicism that still lingers there. It reminds me of the same feelings that lingered on in Ireland long after the British had left. I don't condone the current wave of bombings--I've seen too much of that in Ireland--but I think I can understand why it's come about.
