The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102967   Message #2092075
Posted By: Sorcha
01-Jul-07 - 11:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Happy Birthday Princess Diana!
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Princess Diana!
Barry, ref the off topic....yea you can swim in the ocean, but if you aren't a Citizen can you get health care?

I truly hope that Sicko hits the top. I'm FED UP with the supposed 'health care' system in this country.

I'm NOT a Dr, nor have I been to medical school, but I've paid attention for a LOT of years....and I ask questions of doctors that they'd rather not hear.

I TOLD you she was allergic to WHY did you give it to her IV???
You sutured without an anitbiotic scrub down???
You gave him WHAT for pain meds? Do you NOT know that will cause MORE bleeding????

Etc, ad nauseum.
I wish it weren't 'too late' for me to go to Med School. I'm too old, tired, angry, unhappy, etc.

Besides, I don't like blood.