The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102929   Message #2092576
Posted By: Peace
02-Jul-07 - 03:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Car bombs defused in london
Subject: RE: BS: Car bombs defused in london
A post from Dec. 31, 2006. There are voices that do not agree with people like bin Laden and others who espouse terrorism. You can access the site this is from at

"We listened carefully and with great apprciation for both the convictions and moral stand that were espoused today by Pakistani Defense Minister Rao Sikandar Iqbal, who stated that Islamic terrorists who would "incorrectly portray themselves as somehow being the "Champions of Islam", would be hunted down, even onto their last remaining hideouts"!

Mr. Iqbal also went on to say that the holy "Qu'rum" does not permit suicide (or) other acts of violence directed against innocents!

Within that vein, we at least, were very happy to hear about the impending sale of AWAC surveilance aircraft by Sweden to Pakistan. This along with the impending arrival of additional American manufactured fighter aircraft and Cobra attack helicopters, to be used, in part, for the just and honorable battle the Government of Pakistan is waging against the forces of darkness and evil that appear in the guise of religious men who spout pius remarks while slaughtering innocents... in many cases, Muslim innocents??

We, at least, feel that 2007 is going to usher in a period of Muslim introspection and an examination as to who these "deviants" are "truly speaking for" and for "what real purpose" they feel entitles them to commit wholesale and henious slaughter of fellow Muslims and non-Muslims alike?

Judge them not by their words but by their actions?

Slaughtering Islamic Clerical leaders who would dare disagree with them?

Slaughtering innocent Muslims... for "God only knows what reasons"?

Threatening and intimidating Imams!

Defiling "God's" home by turning Mosques into ammo dumps and fire bases?

The intentional targeting of Mosques in order to incite Muslim on Muslim secterian violence?

Attempts to silence and intimidate Muslim artists and authors?

Targeting Muslim jounalists who espouse opposing points of view?

Again, we urge any Muslim reading this post to read "Faith Without Fear" by Muslim author Irshad Manji.

Free downloads in Urdu-Persian and Arabic at:

"Believers, conduct yourselves with justice and bear true witness before "God" even though it be against yourselves, your parents (or) kinsfolk"! Qu'rum 4:135

It's time for the silent "majority" of devout and true members of Islam to remain silent no more!!!"