The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102965   Message #2093248
Posted By: Wolfgang
03-Jul-07 - 01:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Different Takes On Jesus
Subject: RE: BS: Different Takes On Jesus
Well, it is fun as long as the examples are unpolitical and about people we do like or at the very least do not dislike.

The next example is a borderline case of funny, for it is too political:

Three good arguments that Jesus was Palestinian:
He had to leave at a very early age his native home in Palestine under threat of death.
His later death came at the wish of a large crowd of Jews.
He said: "I did not come to bring peace, but a sword"

The next one is not funny though it has the same structure as all of the above (looking for superficial similarities). We just do not like Jesus to be compared to a generally detested group (person) even ifwe know it is not serious at all:

Three good arguments that Jesus was (a former incarnation of) Hitler:
He could mesmerize large audiences by the power of his word.
He acted as if being a master of life and death.
His actual relationship to the females among his close followers is still a mystery.

Wolfgang (in a fit of very bad taste)