The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102997   Message #2093281
Posted By: Jim Lad
03-Jul-07 - 02:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Scooter...FREE!
Subject: RE: BS: Scooter...FREE!
Lest any of you think me guilty of mindless needling, allow me to do some 'splainin'.

You voted for George Bush and he is doing exactly what you asked of him.
You all say that you did not vote for him personally and that his majority was slim if he had one at all.
Not one of you has tried to do one single thing to oust this administration in spite of two unjustified wars, the deaths of three thousand people in a terrorist attack, three thousand dead American soldiers and as yet, untold numbers of dead Iraqis. (All on his watch & all his fault)
"I didn't vote for him" is not any kind of defense in this situation.
You didn't stop him and if all are to believed, you certainly have the numbers to do so.
Sometimes you just have to take ownership of your mistakes.
Sorry guys. I'm sure you're all very nice people but while you go about apologizing for your country's shortcomings and do nothing to stop it, thousands are dying.
As for waiting for the next President: What in the name of all that's good and holy makes you think that the next one will be some kind of a savior?
Newsflash:::::: America is what it is today. Change it today or be happy with what you've got but please stop telling us all that you'll be nice again in a couple of years.
I just don't believe you any more.