The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102997   Message #2093412
Posted By: Jim Lad
03-Jul-07 - 05:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Scooter...FREE!
Subject: RE: BS: Scooter...FREE!
Peace: We seem to disagree on all aspects of Canadian politics but as you say "It's applesauce".
"English" is way below the belt. I was born in Scotland and as such should be considered a Scot. My grandparents & great grandparents left Ireland to escape poverty & the troubles and there is in fact, not one ounce of Scottish blood coursing through my hardening arteries.
Now let me tell you a story.

I was well into my fourth summer, playing the "Yellow Cello" in Cape Breton. On a break one night I was approached by an American patron who asked "What do you think of our new President?".
After much convincing on his part that he had a genuine interest in the opinion of a foreigner, I agreed to answer the question, no holds barred and I still remember my answer........
"You don't have a President. This eejit won the position in court and that in itself is an assault on democracy. George Bush is currently travelling across Europe, insulting every nation with snide remarks and unfair trade practices thereby creating ill will across the world. He refers to himself as the "Leader of the free world", a phrase which angers everyone who is not American" I went on to explain that in my opinion, you've only had two great presidents in my lifetime. One was assassinated in Texas and the other was recently assassinated in the Press.
I finished with this. "If the CIA does not take this man out or if those in power do not fabricate some illness in order that Mr Bush's tenure may be cut short then there will be a major catastrophe." He looked stunned and asked if I really believed that, to which I replied that you cannot declare yourself "Ruler of the Free World", treat every other nation with contempt and walk away Scot free. "There will be a major catastrophe".
That was two weeks before the September 11 attacks.
Sad as that day was, it was not entirely unpredictable. If a wee folk singer in Nova Scotia could see it coming then you bet your life that the administration could. I've often wondered if that fellow remembers our conversation and why he was asking.
To my point. To say that the U.S. is "Insular" is to say that the Reverend Ian Paisley is having a little difficulty accepting "The One True Catholic and Apostolic Church".
The person who spoke to me that day, expressed a genuine interest in what outsiders think about his President.
You really, really need to hear what outsiders think of you right now and that can't be done if everything is sugar coated and smothered in politeness for you.

As for my being in Canada... I touched on that in the "Which Irish Songs are Offensive?" thread recently. In one short sentence though; As a young man, I could not accept the bigotry which is so ingrained in the British system. Emigration to Canada was my least harmful option and one of the few, correct decisions I've made in my lifetime.