The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102929   Message #2093450
Posted By: Greg B
03-Jul-07 - 06:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Car bombs defused in london
Subject: RE: BS: Car bombs defused in london
I'm beginning to believe that Western justice is fairly useless
in dealing with these monsters. The deterrents which the Western
world has available (i.e., incarceration and in a limited number
of cases, execution) just don't serve to do anything but effectively
martyr Islamic terrorists.

It may be that Israel has realized this, when formulating their
response to 'suicide bombers.' In some cases, they've bull=dozed
their family homes in response.

As Westerners, we have a sense of 'fair play' that won't presently
permit us to resort to such measures. But we ultimately may have to
revise our thinking with regard to peoples who have such alien
values systems. We may have to mete out justice as it would be
meted out by the 'Islamic states' that these characters seem to
desire so fervently.

So when they drive their Jeep into an airport in Glasgow, society
drives a bulldozer into their grey-haired mother's home in
Sheffield. Or in Islamabad. Or said grey-haird mother gets deported with nothing but the clothes on her back, having been stripped of any
privileges of citizenship. Same treatment for any mosques who provide them spiritual refuge or the madrases at which they were trained.

After all, if these families, religious schools, and houses of worship
are so innocent, then why, too, aren't the folks at the night clubs
or the check-in counters, and on the tube trains?

In the colonial period, if a villager attacked a soldier from the
outpost, the garrison might well have responded by burning the
village and/or its fields. Like it or not, it got the message

Perhaps Western 'Civilization' needs to look at going back to those
terms, if representatives of Islam insist upon operating in
medieval terms.