The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20192   Message #209409
Posted By: GUEST,Wowbugger
09-Apr-00 - 09:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Lost sense of humour: links to bullying
Subject: RE: BS: Lost sense of humour: links to bullying
I realize that I'm being cast in the light of bad guy here. Yes Mbo is fortunate if he missed out on bullying because he was homeschooled, if he rereads, as I suggest he do, he will understand that I never said or implied that he should have stayed in school and been bullied. His first message would have had a lot more force and relevance to the discussion if he had said he was homeschooled BECAUSE of being bullied at the age of seven. As it was stated however it was simply a waste of a post as it merely said that he hadn't been bullied at home. Is it really helpful to have people state that they were/are in a place where they weren't bullied and give no other information than that? Its dark outside right now where I am. Is that useful to the discussion? No, not particularly, so why waste the time to type it? I just want him to think a little more about his posts instead of firing them off off the top of his head. I think they could be a lot more interesting if he thought longer before writing.