The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101817   Message #2094518
Posted By: skipy
05-Jul-07 - 04:48 AM
Thread Name: 42 days to no smoking (UK)
Subject: RE: 42 days to no smoking (UK)
My connection with the BNP is that I have read their site as they are preparing to counter attack on the smoking law, no other connection at all! Most of what I have read is abstract lunacy.
I am conservative throuh & through (being 26 years in the military this is not surprising!) I even deliver leaflets for the local conservative candidate because he has had a stoke! Just for the record he ran a folk club for 20+ years, which he offered to me but with my other commitments there is no way I could fit it in.
Also last night I agreed to carry on with my work, we will now be meeting at a friends house where all 4 of us will smoke as much as we can!