The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20221   Message #209530
Posted By: Vixen
10-Apr-00 - 08:35 AM
Thread Name: Hold your pick correctly
Subject: RE: Hold your pick correctly
The solutions to pick issues are, IMHO, Experiment and Practice.

I had the same problems as ddw and dulcl. I couldn't hang onto the pick a'tall. Gave up and learned to finger pick, since I have yet to drop a finger in the sound hole or anywhere else. (of course, I don't use power tools...)

Anyway, I finally *DECIDED* that if other people could strum with a pick, so could I. I'm just finishing up about a year of frustration but I have acquired the ability to HANG ONTO THE PICK, *AND* pick out alternating bass notes with strums in between.

Gorilla Snot does stick the pick to your fingers, but I didn't like it. What I did find, though, was two types of picks that were comfortable for me. One is "big stubby" which has a nice deep dimple for my finger tip to sit in. This is a "slippery" pick, though--I don't like how it feels on the strings. I found picks made of cow horn at a bluegrass festival, and I've been using them ever since.

So, experiment with different picks, AND just practice...Some ways of holding the pick are more effective than others for different things, so I'd suggest not getting locked in to one way of holding it.

Catspaw--you shouldn't be aiming that thing at the sound hole...