The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103076   Message #2095452
Posted By: greg stephens
06-Jul-07 - 05:51 AM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Vashti Bunyan - Need Highly Similar
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Vashti Bunyan - Need Highly Similar
Peregrina: it is very unfortunate, but this is an open access forum. Unfortunately there are people who post here who are unable to confine themselves to saying they don't particularly like a song. They have to go on and insult the motivation and morals of whoever made the record.Try to ignore it, hard though that can be sometimes.
   Peronally, I am no huge Vashti Bunyan fan, though I liked her singing fine when I knew her as a student in the 60's. She was fey and hippy, I was rough so our tastes didn't coincide. But I am totally delighted for her that a record she made 40 years ago, which vanished into total obscurity, has suddenly reappeared and given her a bit of recognition and made her a few bob. Greatluck for her. Somtuimes things aren't totally right for their own times, but feel right years later. An interesting phenomenon.