The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103076   Message #2095523
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
06-Jul-07 - 07:58 AM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Vashti Bunyan - Need Highly Similar
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Vashti Bunyan - Need Highly Similar
Spot on, redsnapper. Neither does voice quality have anything to do with it being good or bad music. Just different tastes. Anyone saying that one is not as 'good' as another should realy have a re-think, or at least a re-phrase. What do you mean by 'good' anyway? Would Pavarotti sound right singing 'The times they are a changing'? No, yet by all accounts he has a 'better' voice than Dylan. I doubt very much whether any of the godmothers of folk would sound right singing 'Another Diamond Day' by the same token. To quote Mr D, now that I have mentioned him, You're better that no-one and no-one is better than you.

Whoever said 'once you listen to Sandy Denny or Shirley Collins you will not listen to Vishti Bunyan again' really needs to get of that high horse btw. I am afraid it just doesn't work that way. Just because they are your favourites does not mean that everyone else has to agree with you.

Sorry. Rant over.
