The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103123   Message #2096530
Posted By: The Borchester Echo
07-Jul-07 - 04:40 PM
Thread Name: Using sex to sell songs.
Subject: RE: Using sex to sell songs.
Turn over to BBC2 and watch Coast. Now.
Pussycat Dolls? Jesus . . .
However, I have to say I have marginally more contempt for the ridiculous females (I hesitate to call them women) than for the male persons who watch them.
Not long ago such a scenario happened here in a community in which it might have been hoped and expected that men would have the intelligence and sensitivity not to behave like this (or at least to have got over it).
A (thankfully) tiny group of male persons thought it perfectly 'normal' behaviour to leer over women at music venues they attend and use as pick-up joints.
Horrifyingly, there was an even tinier selection of females (two, IIRC) who said such outdated, reactionary, pathetic (and potentially dangerous) behaviour was acceptable, nay even appreciated.
I'm almost tempted to go so far as to say that they deserve what they are likely to get.
But no. What they need (forcibly) are the lessons in present-day sexual politics that most of us acquired decades ago.