The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31222   Message #2096842
Posted By: GUEST,Tony Caspersz
08-Jul-07 - 05:43 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Go to Sleep My Baby / Wyoming Lullaby
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Go to Sleep My Baby / Wyoming Lullaby
I am astounded at the versions that the song has attracted.
I was born in Ceylon/Sri Lanka and migrated to Australia in 1963, and my Dad (Osmund) - a man with a beautiful voice- sang this song. In turn I sang it my children, and my grand-children - who,(believe me!) still ask it to be sung at bed-time.

So here goes:-

Go to sleep my little piccaninny
(Or the/Brother) fox'll catch you if you don't
Hush a bye Rock a bye
Mamma's little Baby
Mama's little Alabama coon

Loo loo   loo loo   loo loo loo loo loo...
Underneath that ever-watching moon

Hush a Bye Rock a Bye
Mamma's little baby
Mama's little Alabama coon

I hope, Shirley Guest, you have been able to listen to Paul Robeson's version of 'Little man you're crying..."