The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103123   Message #2097027
Posted By: Severn
08-Jul-07 - 12:07 PM
Thread Name: Using sex to sell songs.
Subject: RE: Using sex to sell songs.
So it's using songs to sell sex then?

Is using a song to sell romance, merely a slower version of the same concept?

Is a song that puts you in the mood for a slow dance with one you already love anything less, just by circumstance and degree of subtlety?

Much dancing of any kind, as well as a lot of singing, is designed to attract the opposite sex. How many of you folkies out there first picked up the guitar as much as , if not more, for the reason of attracting the opposite sex as well as following the siren call of the music itself, even if the lure of the music might've taken over a bit, eventually?

How many songs are good enough to make you dance and think on your feet simultaneously?

In the Appalachiand, Play Party dances got around the church restrictions for interactions between boys and girls, and ballads that ended in "This couple, they got married, so why not you and I?" were a nudge toward proposal.

So it seems a question of brashness, manner or subtlety, a question of degree in which it's being sold.

If some of you remember, say, the song that was playing when your firstborn was concieved, or for your forst kiss, even if you can't imabine people doing so to a lot of today's music, in the context of what you're conditioned to, it still might happen. From Rap music or maypoles, music is designed to bring us together physically as well as spiritually or mentally. again, it's just a question of degree and propriety, but it's been there since music was first made.

Selling Love, Lust or even Lullabye is as much propaganda and selling a piece of goods an any political tract or commercial jingle.
Some voices, minds and bodies can spread the word better than others, is all. And if someone's a lousy dancer or hasn't either the lust or tenderness in their voive as they have in their heart and that they feel inside, you try to use whatever you got to put over whatever you can to whomever you can, as needs exist..