The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40681   Message #2097468
Posted By: Llanfair
09-Jul-07 - 02:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Crafters
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Crafters
Blimey, this thread is still going!! I see I posted in 2001, and a lot of things have happened since then. I've had a market stall, Bron's Crafts & Curios, on Welshpool market for three years nearly, and that pays for the rent on my workshop, which is stuffed with junk and craft stuff, which I'm always trying to clear.

I sell unusual items, bits of pottery,treen, pictures, that kind of thing, plus the stuff I make. At the moment that's driftwood mirrors, decoupage boxes and trays, some pyrography, and the big seller, the cloth shopping bags, cheap and an alternative to the plastic bag.
I've acquired some raw fleece, and the next project is to do some felting. I bought a drum carder on e-bay, which will make life much easier, if I only had the space!!!

Oh, and I'm planning to start some classes in the autumn, teaching the skills I have.
Even with no patience and a butterfly mind, it's possible to produce some lovely stuff!!