The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103118   Message #2097524
Posted By: Genie
09-Jul-07 - 04:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
Subject: Live Earth Concert, Global Warming, Climate Change
Rebel, I had mixed feelings, but mostly positive, about the Live Earth broadcast here in the US.   I could have done without the totally non-related songs (e.g., Shakira's "Hips Don't Lie" and Kelly Clarkson's "Since U Been Gone") but I recognize that it's probably stuff like that that attracts younger viewers in huge numbers.
Unlike some "benefit" concerts, this one actually did present quite a few usable, simple tips that may lead to positive behavior change on the part of quite a few people. They even gave a couple of pointers I hadn't yet thought of myself. (I can't remember what they were at the moment, but, trust me, they did register, and in the relevant context they'll come back to me. LOL )

Yes, I'm sure some of the artists were there to promote their current or upcoming products as much as to help the "cause," and, yes, there's a real danger when any good cause becomes "the in thing" for a while.   But IMO that's far, far better than the state of affairs where the bulk of the public either a) deny the reality of catastrophic climate change, b) deny that our behavior is a major contributor, or c) take the fatalistic view that it's too late (or too expensive) to do anything about it.

Let's just hope and pray this "bandwagon" isn't something most people will jump on for a few months and either a) pat themselves on the back too much for making minor changes such as using compact fluorescents or b) totally forget about soon thereafter.
