The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23244   Message #2097636
Posted By: GUEST,Terry
09-Jul-07 - 08:42 AM
Thread Name: Origins: How Pretty the Moon Looks Tonight
About 2 weeks before my grandmother passed away, she sang this song to my sister for the last time, it was her "daddy's" favorite song and my mother tells me she sang it to us all (8 grandkids) while she would rock us, she did vary the words a little so I'll put it here the way she sang it, and, tho I know there was a third verse, I never recall her singing it, we have always known it as "The Crescent Moon Lullaby".
I have a recording of her singing part of it but she was quite hard of hearing all her life so the words are a little hard to make out but the tune is fairly distinguishable. Her sisters are still living and I'm thinking of having one of them either record it for us or help one of us who can sing to record it.
I dedicate this to my Grandma E. 12/19/1916 - 07/02/07

The Crescent Moon Lullaby

Oh Mother how pretty the moon looks tonight
'Twas never so pretty before
Her two little horns are too sharp and so bright
I hope they'll not grow anymore

If I were up there with you and my friends
We'd rock in it nightly you see
We'd sit in the middle and hold by both ends
Oh what a bright cradle 'twould be

We'd call to the stars to get out of the way
Lest we should rock over their toes
And there we would stay 'til the dawn of the day
And see where the pretty moon goes.

If I were up there with you and my friends
We'd rock in it nightly you see
We'd sit in the middle and hold by both ends
Oh what a bright cradle 'twould be eee
Oh what a bright cradle 'twould be.