The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103118   Message #2097667
Posted By: EBarnacle
09-Jul-07 - 09:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
I don't know about Ed Schultz's show. The company is Fuel Freedom International. Our primary product is a fuel pill which catalyzes the fuel to make it burn better. It also acts as a lubricant and sealant, lubing the cylinder walls and providing better sealing at the rings and valve seats. The catalyst raises octane by about 1 point and accelerates burn rate. This keeps the burn within the cylinder, rather than allowing it to continue out the exhaust valves into the exhaust manifold. The more efficient burn means that all of the energy is within the cylinder. As a result, you use less fuel and have less carbon throughput. The product also significantly reduces CO, HCO's and NOx output. We are EU certified.

CAVEAT: If your vehicle has an inlet filter screen, as ALL Chrysler and Chrysler related [including Mercedes] products do, we advise that the pills will sit on the screen and not dissolve. In that case, we recommend that you use the liquid form, MPG-Boost, rather than the solid pill, MPG-CAPS.

The liquid is also better for Motorcycles, as it is easier to control the dose for the smaller size of the fuel tanks.

In answer to the other part of your question, the company advertises that you can expect a 7 to 14% improvement in mpg. I personally got 10% from my first tankful and, using our oil additive as well, get about 25%.