The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103123   Message #2097984
Posted By: SINSULL
09-Jul-07 - 03:24 PM
Thread Name: Using sex to sell songs.
Subject: RE: Using sex to sell songs.
"A (thankfully) tiny group of male persons thought it perfectly 'normal' behaviour to leer over women at music venues they attend and use as pick-up joints.
Horrifyingly, there was an even tinier selection of females (two, IIRC) who said such outdated, reactionary, pathetic (and potentially dangerous) behaviour was acceptable, nay even appreciated."

As I read it, a beautiful woman dressed in a mini-skirt walked into a folk club and the men noticed. The comment was made that in the 60s, folk clubs were a place for men and women to meet. Men and women have to meet in order for procreation to take place. Both dress to attract each other and frequent places where suitable partners are likely to appear. So it is and so it will always be. This is neither outdated, reactionary nor pathetic.

Ms. Easby has turned these innocent and valid comments into an endorsement of terrifying prowling sexual deviants. And she resorts to name calling whenever someone disagrees with her.

No one on this thread has behaved like a "little boy" and Ms. Easby is the only one interested in pole dancing. The fact that so few women disagreed with you on the other thread does not mean that everyone held your opinions. Most of us recognize that the discussion will fast deteriorate into your twisting words and nasty name calling. It is pointless to express an opinion. Re-read your post above for proof.

As to sex selling music - I am often amused at what is acceptable today on TV and in films. Michael Jackson grabbing his crotch, Madonna in lingerie, groups appealing to young teenagers appearing in S&M outfits. Remember when Elvis could be shown only from the waist up? They offer sexy images in place of talent to an age group that thrives on hormones and shock effect.

I agree Dave. Young men today are expected to respect women but presented with women as sex objects. Young women on the other hand demand respect at least in the work place while parading around half dressed. That is a simplification but if you and I are confused what chance does a 14 year old male or female have?