The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102760   Message #2098112
Posted By: philgarringer
09-Jul-07 - 05:49 PM
Thread Name: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
Dianavan, my wonderful fellow American,

Who cares what you call us, just don't call us late for dinner.

As for "not sharing", please notice that the list that I am linking to here has BC (I am assuming you are an "American" from British Columbia, and not an "American" from Baja California. Maybe you should watch which initials you use. I think my friends in Baja California might not like that. Maybe it's that American ethno-centrism at work. Please watch that in the future)

Anyway, BC ranked 46 overall. At least you tied New Hampshire! (not to be confused with "Old" Hampshire. We do apologize for stealing all of those English place names. It's the "not sharing" thing.) My home state of New York (again, apologies to England!) was only number 7.

Also, in an effort to combat our ethno-centrism to the exclusion of all others, we shall now refer to ALL people on the planet as "Americans". How's that for inclusiveness?

Come to think of it, the Area Formerly and Incorrectly Exclusively Referred to as "America" due to Ethno- Centrism has citizens from every nation on Earth (I'm sorry. I meant to say Planet America)!

I also apologize to my fellow anthropomorphs.   We shall also refer to all living creatures as "Americans".

Except manatees. They remain stateless. Sorry. The United nations (oops, United Americas) is working on this problem.

I sincerely apologize to all of my "American" friends for our past ethno-centrism.

In the interest of appeasing our neighbors to the North, we here in our little part of America shall forever be known as Residents and Subjects of the Area Formerly and Incorrectly Exclusively Referred to as "America" due to Ethno-Centrism. I hope this heals the rift between your America (the Canadian part) and my homeland, the Area Formerly and Incorrectly Exclusively Referred to as "America" due to Ethno-Centrism. .

That, and we will try to share just as much as you folks from Baja California, Canada, America, not part of the Area Formerly and Incorrectly Exclusively Referred to as "America" due to Ethno- Centrism.

Pax tecum, my you American!

Phil Garringer
Resident and Subject of the Area Formerly and Incorrectly Exclusively Referred to as "America" due to Ethno-Centrism.

The Area Formerly and Incorrectly Exclusively Referred to as "America" due to Ethno- Centrism commit suicide in an attempt to mollify some of the poor Canadian Americans that we have oppressed over the years, but the United Americas considers that genocide of some sort, and we all know how serious you Americans are about stopping genocide! So, again, my apologies.

Sorry, Dianavan. We discussed having everyone here in