The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102760   Message #2098274
Posted By: GUEST,dianavan
09-Jul-07 - 09:21 PM
Thread Name: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
Art - I think you are missing the point. Americans are not the only Americans. It is a name that all of us in the Americas should share.

Does anyone but Greeks call themselves Greek? Maybe we should refer to all Greeks, Italians, Germans etc. after the name of their continent rather than their nation. Thats what the people of the U.S. have done. They have named themselves after a continent. All of the inhabitants are American. People of the U.S. are not the only Americans.

Get a real name. Staters is more accurate but Statelings or Statelets will do.