The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103163   Message #2098371
Posted By: Stephen L. Rich
10-Jul-07 - 12:53 AM
Thread Name: How do you pick songs for your album?
Subject: RE: How do you pick songs for your album?
Ask yourself the following questions:

1) What are my best songs?
2) Of those, on which do I deliver the most consistantly good performance?
3) Do I want other instrument and voices on those songs?

    I am assuming, simply from the fact that you are asking this question, that this is going to be your first recording. That you are asking questions at all tells one that you are not going into the project without having given it some thought. Once you've answered the above questions you'll be ready to take the next step. Work out arrangements with other musicians BEFORE you go into the studio. This will save a good deal of aggrivation and money. Decide whether you want to record your arrangements live to disc (all of your msicians in the studio, at the same time, functioning as a band) or multitrack them (record each part separately). As you start recording you will find that your songs will start to take on shapes and tones that you may not have anticipated. You will find yourself wanting to add songs to or delete songs from your original list because of the way they do or don't fit with what you have already recorded. Choosing song for a CD is kind of like trying to put together a 3D jigsaw puzzle the reconfigures itself every time you fit in a new piece. It sounds more complicated than it actually is. If you've been performing for any length of time, then you have a pretty good idea of how to build a set. There's a learning curve to it, but not a terribly difficult one. Follow the musical instincts that you already have in place and you'll do just fine. Keep in mind, however, that a recording is not a live perfprmance. It is a different medium. A recording studio, properly used, can be an additional instrument. Find yourself a recording tech with some experience and judgementif you can. That will grease the wheels considerabley.

Stephen Lee Rich