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Thread #103118   Message #2098390
Posted By: GUEST,listener
10-Jul-07 - 02:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
Subject: RE: BS: Are you going to a Climate Change party?
I listened to an interesting radio program today, about the plans for the mass culling of humanity by the financial elites of the world. The people made lots and lots of points and have done lots of research, and they mentioned lots of names. I made notes of what I could catch.

First of all, they said, there has always been a group of people who believe it is their fate to rule. Divine right of kings and all that. And they've seized control through terrorizing (always an outside threat to unite against), and manipulation of goods and labor (fiat money system is the latest scam). So, these people were plodding along kind of making it up as they went along, until Darwin published.

Darwin and another guy (Wallace?) who published about the same time. But Darwin's writings caught the public's fancy, and the ruling elite immediately began incorporating his theories on nature into their desire for social control. "Social Darwinism" appealed to them, and they viewed themselves as the fittest of the fit.

So Darwin's views were ballyhooed most notably by Thomas Huxley, grandfather of Aldous Huxley (author of Brave New World) and Julian Huxley (first Director General of UNESCO and a founder of the World Wide Fund for Nature).

The men on the radio then talked about lots of stuff leading up to the early 20th century, when "eugenics" began to catch on. Wikipedia defines eugenics as, "a social philosophy which advocates the improvement of human hereditary traits through various forms of intervention."   At this point you might want to read what Wikipedia entry:

So, the idea of population control came out of Britain, but it reached its height in the U.S. before World War 2:

"The US was sterilizing its citizens long before the Nazi party existed. (17) American eugenicists, the advocates of sterilization, had convinced over half the states to enact legislation legalizing involuntary sterilization by World War II. (18) They were supported by such prominent men as Winston Churchill and (19) Theodore Roosevelt; (20) enjoyed the sponsorship of the Rockefeller Foundation; (21) had support of over half the American public; (22) and had gained the constitutional approval of the US Supreme Court. (23) By applying their 'scientific' eugenic dogma the Americans successfully fostered legislation restricting immigration and prohibiting miscegenation. (24)

The Nazis triumphantly adopted these racist policies. (25) Hitler disclosed his racial ideology and praised the exclusionary American immigration act in Mein Kampf. (26) He was praised by numerous American eugenicists (27) who, in turn, were praised by him. (28)

The radio people also talked about "beautiful baby" contests in America in the '20s and 30's, competitions for most perfect families, etc. All really nazi-ish. And blacks in America bought into the propaganda too:

"Sadly, DuBois' words of black churches being "open to intelligent propaganda" proved prophetic. Black pastors invited (Margaret) Sanger to speak to their congregations. Black publications, like The Afro-American and The Chicago Defender, featured her writings. Rather than attacking the root causes of maternal and infant deaths, diseases, poverty, unemployment and a host of other social ills—not the least of which was racism—Sanger pushed birth control. To many, it was better for blacks not to be born rather than endure such a harsh existence...."

So America was sterilizing in the name of cleaning out the gene pools, when Hitler took control of Germany. We all know what he did, but after the war, the key eugenicists escaped. Otmar von Verschuer was Joseph Mengele's boss at Auschwitz, and von Verschuer, amazingly, escaped prosecution at Nuremberg. He even went on to continue his "research," and Wikipedia says, "In 1951, Verschuer was awarded the prestigious professorship of human genetics at the University of Münster, where he established one of the largest centers of genetics research in West Germany. Like many "racial hygienists" of the Nazi period, and many American eugenicists, Verschuer was successful in redefining himself as a genetics researcher after the war, and avoided the taint of his work on Nazi eugenics."

So the work of eugenics went on unimpeded after WW2. And after the Nazis put a stench on the term eugenics, the global elite just began changing names. The eugenics sterilization organization that started out as the American Birth Control League is now Planned Parenthood. Lots of other lofty-sounding terms went in and out of use...transhumanism, sustainability, etc. Witness how adeptly the cumbersome "global warming" scam is now undergoing a makeover into "climate change."

Which brings up environmentalism. The world from the 1960's to the present, and the environmental movement, is going to be the last part of the radio program, but it was pointed out that groups like the Nature Conservancy, the World Wildlife Fund and Greenpeace are anti-human. They are the modern incarnations of the eugenics programs from the past. Humans must be destroyed, whether it's from sterilization, murderous vaccination programs funded by the Rockefeller, Carnegie and Gates Foundations, or from reducing populations in the name of "saving the planet."

Anyway, the ruling elite isn't stupid. They saw the way of the future, which is why Julian Huxley got involved with "wildlife" long ago. And Prince Phillip says 80% of us should die, and he's involved with "wildlife." And Al Gore recited a 7-point pledge about the environment the other day that made him sound like he was doing a swearing-in ceremony for the Hitler Youth.

And the congressional swine known as Dingle has introduced a "carbon tax" in the U.S. House that will fine us for breathing. We're so baaaad for the planet. Or are we? Sounds like the eugenecists have just slapped a green coat of paint on their plans to get rid of us.