The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103123   Message #2098531
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish
10-Jul-07 - 08:08 AM
Thread Name: Using sex to sell songs.
Subject: RE: Using sex to sell songs.
I think we've reached rock bottom in many ways in the music industry. As a Mum I'm deeply concerned at what's going on.

This isn't using sex to sell songs...It's using songs to sell sex....and to sell 'sex' to our children!

It's unnatural for children to be 'sexualised' as they now so very often are. It's also deeply disturbing.

What is more disturbing though is that society has taken a step back and seems to be 'accepting' in every way what is going on around us. Nowadays, many parents seem to think it's 'normal' for their children to be having sex (not at 13/14.."Oh what can you do..It's what the kids do these days isn't it. They're all the same...the world's moved on..They know how to protect themselves...." etc.etc.etc..

We, as adults, have completely lost the plot, in my opinion!! We turn a blind eye to it all, partly because we perhaps feel overwhelmed by it?

Women are NOT sex objects, apart from to a small minority of men, who have and always will view them in that way. Most men, whilst being instantly attracted to many women, also realise there is a person underneath.

Women have brought a lot of this upon themselves, (sorry Diane, but here I go)...It is not right, in my opinion, for women to remove ALL responsibility from themselves and put it onto men. If you choose to dress like a tart, chances are you'll be treated that way. If however, you choose to use your brain, want to be accepted for who you are, and not what you are..then..chances are you'll find respect.

It is irresponsible of the Pussycat Twits to be parading around as they are. They know that young kids, children, will be watching and they need a huge kick up the backside for contributing to what is going on around our children right now!

Kids of 5 and 6 are sexualised, by music, by videos, by computers, by toys, by fashion and by parents who don't give a damn!! Many parents DO care and they fight a seemingly losing battle in this sea of sex that surrounds their children from almost birth.

Ask yourselves who is behind this industry..for it is an industry..and what their motives are. WHO in their right minds would want to aim sex at children. WHO in their right minds would want to participate in that?

Society has become so dumbed down, that many people no longer even think that deeply. They are not concerned with anything but themselves. They don't even have the ability TO think for themselves anymore...Has this been done on purpose? Have we educated an entire generation, several generations even, to be nothing more than consumers?

And tell me...if the Pussycats are acceptable now, then WHAT will be acceptable in another year or two or three? If it's OK for kids of 13 and 14 to be having sex now, then soon society will have swallowed the idea that it's OK for 11/12 years olds. It's not a big step is it..but it's a darkly dangerous one.

I'm 52 now, when I was a young person, none of my friends were 'having sex' and I went to the roughest school in the area. I knew no 'young' teenagers who were at that stage in their lives, nor who wanted to be. We were safe, happy and free. We talked of so many things in life, not just didn't dominate our thinking, as it does now for so many youngsters...

I feel as if our children are being 'groomed'...and it scares the beejayzus out of me to be honest..

I've spoken to toy companies, fashion companies, chain stores etc...and some of the things I've heard have sent the fear of God running through me!!

It's time we all opened our eyes....Watch that five year old at her party, see how she dances. And VERY afraid!!

By all means sing sexy songs, in a sexy way. It's been done for centuries, enjoyably and to great effect...but NEVER has it been aimed at children and such very young people before and every year they aim it at younger and younger kids..

Someone please tell me why? Because the answers I have floating in my head are not good. They are terrifying...
