The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103123   Message #2098548
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish
10-Jul-07 - 08:35 AM
Thread Name: Using sex to sell songs.
Subject: RE: Using sex to sell songs.
Nope...too young for most of those Richard...and nope I refuse to agree with you there I'm afraid. The MINORITY may have been but things are now WAY beyond that...

And with all due respect, it's attitudes like that that are helping to fuel what is now happening! I KNOW what was around when I was young and it sure as hell wasn't what's around now!!

My generation weren't dressed like hookers at the age of 10, nor were they spilling out their souls on alcoholic binges every night of the week.

The kids in the Western World, the USA and the UK in particular, have now been named as the most deprived and unhappiest IN THE WORLD Richard, by UNICEF. Great Britain came out TOP of that.

We have a MAJOR problem going on here with our children, but we have an even MORE major one going on with our attitudes!

What is happening in the music industry now is deeply wrong. We've gone way past 'sexy' and way into 'pornographic' in my opinion. Some may feel that it's OK for our children to be surrounded by that...I do not..

We are letting down generations of kids here Richard. It's not funny and it's not 'the way it's always been'..It's darkly disturbing and it's happening right now, all around us, whilst most people sit idly by and just shake their heads, tut tutting about anyone who dares to complain..

Time to move on and change how things are..and ALL of us need to be a part of that..