The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103123   Message #2098590
Posted By: The Borchester Echo
10-Jul-07 - 09:21 AM
Thread Name: Using sex to sell songs.
Subject: RE: Using sex to sell songs.
Good grief.

Haven't looked at this thread for some time because I got so bored with the sniggering, juvenescent, blokishness. I dismissed the bulk of the pre-pubescent participants as little boys who really ought to get off to the pole-dancing joint because it accorded with their apparent choice of Saturday-night 'entertainment' after a spell in front of the telly with the Pussycat Dolls.

Someone called 'sinsull' with a comprehension deficit reads this as an interest on my part in pole-dancing (eh?) then comes out with this corker:

Men and women have to meet in order for procreation to take place. Both dress to attract each other and frequent places where suitable partners are likely to appear. So it is and so it will always be. This is neither outdated, reactionary nor pathetic.

Oh yes it is. All that and much more. Such an archaic perception is dangerous, nonsensical bollocks. And it's perpetuating the myth upheld by a minority of extremely pathetic blokes that it's OK for them to use music venues as pick-up joints. No. it isn't.

URGENT RECOMMENDED READING: Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale.