The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103123   Message #2098703
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish
10-Jul-07 - 11:05 AM
Thread Name: Using sex to sell songs.
Subject: RE: Using sex to sell songs.
Rowan, if more parents were like you, the world would be a far better place.

Yes, governments have taken over the decision making for our children and it sends horrors through me!

But then haven't we belittled parenthood? It is now nothing to be a mother, everything in life centres on 'a career'...and yet...isn't the most important 'job' in life that of bringing up the next generation?

I have friends who are younger than me. I'm an older Mum with children of quite different ages, 20 and 12..My younger friends are afraid to make decisions for their children. They are frightened of how 'society' may judge them...I've had no such problems, belonging to an older time. But the younger parents question and worry about everything, they analyse and then often back down and in the end, it becomes 'someone else's problem'

Yes, our teachers are having far too much put on their shoulders at present, when it comes to teaching children right and wrong, that is something that has always come from parents or grandparents and it still should.

Parents are being constantly told what they should not do for their children, instead of what they should. And WHY does the State interfere in something that has nothing do with it? When I was little my parents weren't told what to do or how to behave by the Government of the day. There was no Minister For Children....but there were parents, far more repsonsible ones than irresponsible..

The Pussycats may have University Degrees coming out of their ears, for all I know, they may be the most wondrous social workers around, giving their fortunes to the poor and needy...BUT..nothing..NOTHING excuses how they choose to behave on stage in their public persona. They are not forced to do that, they CHOOSE to and they do it KNOWING that children are looking up to them.

They need to learn from wise people..such as Patch Adams, and reach for his standards...these are just a few of his words...

"Our system of "people fame" values self-centeredness and wealth. I want to live in a world where people become famous because of their work for peace and justice and care. I want the famous to be inspiring; their lives an example of what every human being has it in them to do — act from love!"

I would say that chances are that the Pussycats are pretty much like that in real life, having been brought up to believe that the ultimate goal in life is to be a popstar....

I was actually quite sickened by that whole Live Earth concert. They had such an INCREDIBLE opportunity there to start to turn things right around, to unite the world as never before, to fill stages around the world with Incredibly Inspirational People, ones who are natural leaders, ones who make every generation sit up and listen! There are so many wondrous musicians and poets with words that can start to change the world, but WHERE WERE THEY!!!!

Al Gore should be hanging his head in shame, for overseeing the most Dumbed Down, Idiotic, Badly Produced, Non-Sensical, Whimsical Concert that I've seen in many a long year!!

That concert was SO vital! And I watched it with unfolding horror, as act after vacuous act came on stage with barely a message or a song or thought of any depth!

I could of filled those stages, right around the world, with songwriters that would have lit torches, started flames to be held high!! Sheesh!! The frustration I feel at times is overwhelming!!
Read these words from Dan Britton...and just think what an impact that would have had at Live Earth...


"We need leaders, not self-serving fools
Hanging out with rock stars to make them look cool
They're dealers, just shadows of men
Bringing down bad karma, again and again

"We need leaders, people to trust
Someone to look to who cares about us
We need healers, the medicine men
It's too late for 'if', it's got to be 'when'

"Lily-livered goons, red necked baffoons
Masquerading as leaders of men
They'll be swept aside
Nowhere left to hide
When Crazy Horse rides again
When Crazy Horse rides again

"We need leaders not jobs for the boys
Playing war games like a kid with his toys
They're feeders with vampire eyes
Attracting others like shit attract flies

"Lily-livered goons, red necked baffoons
Masquerading as leaders of men
They'll be swept aside
Nowhere left to hide
When Crazy Horse rides again
When Crazy Horse rides again

Dan Britton Myspace

By the way, Dave, you started this thread for the right reasons and I'm very glad that you did.