The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103123   Message #2098710
Posted By: GUEST,TJ in San Diego
10-Jul-07 - 11:09 AM
Thread Name: Using sex to sell songs.
Subject: RE: Using sex to sell songs.
Since someone brought it up, the Margaret Atwood reference brings to mind a number of tightly wound, sexually repressed fundamentalists I have known over the years. While professing disdain or revulsion when presented with overt sexuality, the same people will quietly confess dealing with barely controlled lust. It's an impossible conundrum and a dangerous and fertile breeding ground for acting out. Is it any surprise that so many priests and preachers, to cite the obvious, fall prey to this inner turmoil? A lot of victims, both male and female, have been victims of this in one way or another, for centuries. There must be hundreds of folk songs with this thread woven through.