The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102760   Message #2098859
Posted By: Don Firth
10-Jul-07 - 01:12 PM
Thread Name: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
Subject: RE: Why do Iraq,and Korea hate America?
Amos doth speak with great sagacity.

Actually, I consider myself to be an Earthling. But in the long run, this appellation may turn out to be far too provincial.

You know, I really didn't know that Canadians, Mexicans, Bolivians, Chileans, Argentineans, and Patagonians were all so eager to call themselves "Americans," and are so filled with resentment at the citizens of the United States of American, that sometime back in their history, they somehow managed to pass some sort of Universal Law that only they have God's permission to use the term "American" in reference to themselves. Or that anyone really gave a damn. After all, all of the inhabitants of the Western Hemisphere (not to mention the Eastern Hemisphere as well) have a fairly brief word by which they can identify themselves in relation to their national origin or chosen country of residence. [How do Namibians feel about South Africans calling themselves "South Africans?" After all, Namibia is in south Africa, too.]

Let me ask this:    Are there any—say—Canadians who are really eager to walk up a group of dark-haired, hot-eyed young men in Afghanistan who are sitting around cleaning their AK-47s and making bombs and say cheerily, "Hi guys! I'm an American!"


Don Firth

P. S. On the other hand, I do know a few Americans (please pardon my use of the term when referring specifically to citizens of the United States of Americans) who, when overseas, don't let people know they are Americans (please pardon—etc., etc.), but tell people that they are Canadians.