The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103120   Message #2098861
Posted By: Becca72
10-Jul-07 - 01:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Your First Memory?
Subject: RE: BS: Your First Memory?
I have several distinct memories, all from around the age of 2, though I have no idea which ones came first.

one is of dropping acorns down a hole in the front lawn that I had seen a chipmunk come in and out of. I spent days helping him collect acorns, always waiting until he was gone because I was afraid of hitting him in the head. I was crushed when my sister, 12 years older, told me he wouldn't eat my acorns because they smelled like "people".

I also remember finding a dead rat in our yard and for some reason thought he needed a last Hoorrah and pulled him around in my snow sled (it was the middle of summer) for quite a long time. I don't remember what happened after his ride concluded, though.

I also remember asking my father why there were no blue snakes around, because I liked the color blue at the time. Like any good father would, he wanted to give me what I was asking for so we got a can of blue spray paint out of the garage and went snake hunting. Found one, too. I remember laughing as the poor bastard slithered off into the brush with a bright blue line down his back.