The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103194   Message #2099274
Posted By: Azizi
10-Jul-07 - 07:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: USA 'Browning' -- Ethnic Diversity
Subject: RE: BS: USA 'Browning' -- Ethnic Diversity
John Hardly, I have never said nor have I ever implied that you are a racist. I don't know you well enough from reading Mudcat threads or otherwise to call you a racist or imply that you are a racist.

I also have never said nor have I implied on Mudcat or elswhere that White Americans are monolithically racist. Nor do I think that.

I have said on Mudcat and elsewhere that there are White people who are racist and there are non-White people {including Black people} who are racist.

With regard to the discussion about mainstream America's articulation and promotion of a sole physical standard of female beauty:
I think the idea that the foremost standard of female physical beauty in the USA {and perhaps also in most other "Western cultures"} was a blue eyed blond White woman wasn't as much a racial construct as a societal construct. In other words, I believe that for many people-White and non-White, it was just taken for granted that that was the standard of beauty that the society believed in.

I may not be explaining properly, but I think there are-or at least there can be-differences between a racist construct {a way of thinking} and a societal construct {a way of thinking that may sometimes inadvertantly and/or sometimes purposely support racism but is not always nor was it meant to be racist}.

As to how White Americans vote compared to how Black Americans vote, I don't believe that has anything to do with this discussion.