The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103120   Message #2099536
Posted By: JennyO
11-Jul-07 - 04:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Your First Memory?
Subject: RE: BS: Your First Memory?
My first real memory was of the day we moved house from Parkes to Goulburn (which means I was about 2 or 3). I remember sitting on the floor in an empty back room of the house we were about to leave. The afternoon sun was streaming in and there was a blowfly buzzing.

As for an early dream - not sure exactly when it was, but probably around 5. I dreamed I was in the backyard in a sandpit and the sand was draining away through the bottom, like a giant sieve, and you could see just a black hole underneath. I had that dream a few times, then moved on to other recurring dreams.