The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103190   Message #2099550
Posted By: GUEST,Shimrod
11-Jul-07 - 04:45 AM
Thread Name: how were source singers influenced by revival
Subject: RE: how were source singers influenced by revival
I suspect that a lot of our thinking on this subject (especially in the UK) is muddied by notions of class. I notice that some contributors to this board regularly label Revival singers as "middle class" and this term is almost always used pejoratively; almost as though 'middle class' singers cannot possibly understand the experience of 'working class' (ie. most 'source') singers.

I also suspect that this is a gross oversimplification (discuss!) and that it might be a good idea to remember, occasionally, that all singers are human beings and have similar experiences of songs and singing.

Note: I am NOT suggesting, by making the above remarks, that 'all songs are folk songs' or that 'all singers are folk singers' - those are even grosser over-simplifications!