The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103194   Message #2099635
Posted By: beardedbruce
11-Jul-07 - 07:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: USA 'Browning' -- Ethnic Diversity
Subject: RE: BS: USA 'Browning' -- Ethnic Diversity
" In a 1994 article, Lora Jacobi and Thomas Cash reported that 91.3 percent of White women with blue eyes thought that blue eyes were ideal, with a whopping 87 percent of them believing that men thought so, too. Interestingly, in reality, only 37.9 percent of men claimed that their beauty ideal was a woman with blue eyes. Among non-blued eye women, only 15.2 percent rated blue eyes as ideal, but still an impressive 78.3 percent of them believed that men preferred their girlfriends to have blue eyes. A similar pattern emerged around hair color. Among those with blond hair, 92.9 percent rated blond hair as ideal, with half believing that men thought so, too. In reality, 34.8 percent of men said they preferred women with blond hair. Among brunettes, only 19.1 percent rated blond hair as ideal, but 45.8 percent nonetheless thought that men liked blond hair the best. "

Be careful- you are on the verge of making an unstated comment about women vs men in regards to what is considered beautiful!!

"only 37.9 percent of men claimed that their beauty ideal was a woman with blue eyes."
"In reality, 34.8 percent of men said they preferred women with blond hair."

The "blonde, blue eyed ideal" seems to be applicable to women, NOT to men.